When to Perform a Power Cycle

On occasion, the Tektelic Gateway that allows the data to flow through to the neXtack platform may require a reboot or power cycle by removing the battery for 1 minute and then reconnecting it again.

The Tektelic Gateway has a back up battery so we need to do more than simply unplug it for a moment as the battery continues to supply power to the device. 


To do this all that Is required Is a small Philips-head screwdriver and a few minutes. 


Please follow the directions below:


Power Cycle Directions

Switch the gateway off and unplug.


Turn gateway upside down and use the Phillips-head screwdriver to unscrew the 2 screws on the battery cap.




Remove battery cap and gently remove battery from battery slot.


Gently unplug the battery cable and remove battery completely. 


Leave battery disconnected from gateway for 30 seconds.


After 1 minute, complete the steps in reverse from Step 4 to Step 1

  1. plug in battery cable
  2. place battery back into battery slot
  3. screw in battery cap
  4. turn device upright, plug in, and switch on.


Wait approximately 5 minutes and check the neXtrack platform to ensure data is coming back through.


If the data starts transmitting to the neXtrack Platform the Power Cycle was successful.


If the data does not coming back through check again in another 5 minutes. 


Email neXtrack for support if gateway does not seem to be transmitting data through to the neXtrack Platform.

[email protected]