Responding to Alert Tasks from the Monitor / Control.
When you receive an alert follow the below Instructions to respond to the alert and document the corrective actions taken.
You will receive an alert via text message. In your neXtrack platform, the tasks symbol will light up with an open task for you to action. This Is where you document the action taken.
On the dashboard of your profile, click on the 'tasks' symbol. This will open the task manager.
Within the task manager, you will see a list of tasks Including the Alert that was received. Click on the alert.
Once Inside the task. Document the action taken. The description has already noted some corrective actions for you to use as guide.
1 - Type your response In the notes section.
2 - Upload Images of the alert situation before and after in the attachments section.
3 - Change the status from ‘Pending’ to ‘Complete’
4 - Enter the completed date.
5 - Once filled out and attachments loaded, mark the progress as 100%, click on [Save].
This will close the Alert Task.
6 - A log of this task will automatically sit against the site profile and will form part of your monthly