How to Generate an Exposure Report


For Builders & Contractors

This document will show you how to run a report to view and/or print exposures for Dust, Noise, Temperature, and Humidity in a timeframe of your choosing.


These instructions are using a Contractors’ profile as the example however, the steps are the same.


Generating an Exposure Report

After logging into your account, go to the side menu and click the down arrow beside ‘REPORTS’, then ‘EXPOSURES’


Stay on the ‘FILTERS’ Tab. 

Here we put in the information required to generate the report.


SITE: Click on the down arrow under ‘Sites’ and select the site you are requiring the data for.


SENSOR: Select the sensor – This is the number of the Monitor on site – This will be on the side of the Monitor and on the Dashboard Widgets. 


In this example we’re selecting HIP-Y-17


READING: This is the element you want the Exposure for. Select the ‘Reading’ by clicking on the down arrow under ‘Reading’ . 


The options are:

Dust PM10

Dust PM4

Dust PM2.5

Dust PM1





In this example we are selecting Dust PM4



Once we have selected these we can move on to the lower section of information.


DATE RANGE – By clicking in the space beside the small calendar icon to select the date. This can be any time that you have had the monitor.


EXPOSURE LIMIT Please note your states CoP for the relevant exposures.

(these are examples only)


This can be written on the line. You do not need to use the arrows on the side.


Dust Exposure Limit – If the Exposure limit for dust is 20µg the Exposure Limit is 20. 

Noise Exposure Limit –If the Exposure limit for noise is 100dB the Exposure Limit is 100. 

Temperature –If the Exposure limit for temperature is 37◦C the Exposure Limit is 37. 

Humidity – If the Exposure limit for humidity is 75% the Exposure Limit is 75. 


In this instance we’re going to use 20µg as the Exposure Limit




This can be written on the line. You do not need to use the arrows on the side.


DUST: For dust, this is pending the material in the zone and the percentage of crystalline silica levels in it, it could be 50%, then you would select 50. If its 30%, input 30.

All other elements: For Noise, Temperature, and Humidity, put 100 in the RCS Content as this amount is irrelevant to these elements.


INTERVAL: - Here you select the intervals you wish to see the data for by clicking on the down arrow. 


The options are:

2 Minutes

5 Minutes

1 Hour

2 Hours

8 Hours

1 Day

7 Days

30 Days


Then you can click on the green [Filter] button.



The data will show below the filters.

GREEN: Exposure risk is low – No actions required.


AMBER: Exposure risk is elevated. 

Instruction: Continue with caution

Actions: Check controls and where possible increase ventilation.

Aim: Return zone to Green.


RED: Exposure Risk is High


Actions: Aim to return zone back to Green. 

If unable; Zone becomes an Exclusion Zone. 

Use monitor to set boundaries.

Wear RPE in zone.

Monitor data output to limit exposure length.

Improve Air Flow and Engineered Controls.

Perform a Control Check.

Document and Log Reports for Tool Box talks.

If controls are ineffective use an occupational hygienist for Controls Review or Air Monitoring.




The data can be downloaded as a CSV File, a PDF File or you can copy the data.



Viewing data in CSV File:



Viewing data in PDF File:

Viewing as Copy to Paste: