As a Builder
Commonly a Builder will have Contractors working on their site. You can link the contractor to the site for your records of compliance and activity logging.
In this instructional document we will show how to link the contractor to the site and what site information is visible to the contractor on the platform once this is done.
You may find that a contractor new to the platform may send a request from their user profile and not their Contractor company profile. In this case, decline the membership, contact the Contractor and ask for them to re-send via their Contractor profile.
The neXtrack Support team can assist with this if they have any questions on how to do this.
We’ll start from after Accepting a Membership from a Contractor.
- After accepting the Contractor, we can go back into our main builder profile and click on the ‘Members’ tab to make sure they have been accepted.
- You need to make sure his access level is correct as well. The access levels are ‘None’, ‘Builder Admin’ and ‘Builder Worker’. In this instance we want to make the Contractor ‘None’.
The Contractor we’re going to use for this example is ‘Demo_Contractor Business#2’
Now we have ensured our Contractor was accepted and is a ‘None’ we can now look towards our side tabs on the left-hand side of the screen.
Selecting ‘None’ ensures the contractor does not have access to the Builder Company profile.
Click on the ‘Sites’ tab
This Builder has 2 sites available but for this example our Contractor is going to work on Site ‘De-MoMo’
Click on the ‘De-Momo Site’ for eg.
The main profile for the site will open.
Click on the ‘Workers’ tab.
You are automatically on the ‘Contractors’ sub-tab in this section.
Click on the down-arrow under ‘Add Contractor’
The Contractor appears on the list because we already accepted their Company’s Membership request.
Click on the contractor to link them to that site.
Then click the green [Save] button.
The contractor is now linked to that site.
To remove the contractor when their work is complete onsite, click the [Remove] button.
What does this mean for visibility and access between the Builder and Contractor?
If the Contractor added is kept as a ‘None’ as shown below they will see the following:
Builder visibility to Contractor:
If the Contractor clicks on ‘Builders’ on the side tabs, the Contractor can see the Builders they are associated with, but cannot open the Builder Profile.
Site visibility to Contractor:
The Contractor can see they are on the site, but they cannot access the site or any site information.
This is so the Contractor can sign in if its required.
What can the Builder see on the Contractor Company profile?
By choosing the side tab [People] and selecting ‘Contractors’, it shows us that the Builder cannot see any information about the Contractor company or the Contractors workers.