How to Log an Activity
For all Users
To check exposure levels during activities onsite you may be asked to log an activity.
The images below are for a Worker in a Subscontractor company performing activities, but the same applies for a Worker in a Builder Company, a Subcontractor or a Builder.
Once you are logged into your neXtrack account, locate and click on the [+Activity] button at the top of the screen.
The next screen will ask you for information relating to the activity about to be performed.
We’ll start of with the following:
- Site – Click on the down arrow and select the Site
- Zone – Click on the down arrow and select the Zone
- Activity – Click on the down arrow and select the Activity
- Tool - Click on the down arrow and select the Tool
Once we have entered the above choices, an assessment appears.
Click on the Assessment.
SWMS Assessment
In this section you will be asked several questions to ensure that you are adhering to the safety guidelines.
Click the down arrow to select the tool you are using for the activity.
Click the green [next] button.
Answer the questions by clicking on the down arrows and clicking the [Next] button to proceed through the questions until the end of the assessment.
Once you have answered all the questions, an outcome will pop up on your screen pending the answers you provided.
For our example, Mask is required.
Click the blue [OK] button
Click the green [Next] button.
After clicking the [next] button, you may receive a reminder not to proceed without the specified RPE requirements.
Click the blue [OK] button.
Click on the green [Finish] button.
You must sign off on the answers you have provided.
If you have a touch screen, you can sign off with that, alternatively you can sign by moving your mouse.
Click on the green [Finish] button.
This completes the Assessment section of logging an Activity.
We are now back on the Activity Logging screen.
- NOTE the Green OK circle. This was determined by the answered provided by you.
If you have been advised to not proceed this circle will not be green.
Now you know you can proceed with logging the activity.
You can log the times now if you know how long you will be carrying out the activity or you can leave the screen open and put the times in when the activity is completed.
- The 'Time Start' time will default to the time of the day.
After you have entered the activity times click on the green [Finish] Button.