For a Builder & Contractor
- A Builder can send invitations to Contractors and Workers.
- A Contractor can only send invitations to Workers.
Once logged in, go to your side tabs and click on down arrow beside the people tab to reveal the drop-down list.
- If you’re a Builder, click on Builders
- If you’re a Contractor, click on Contractors.
In this example, we are using Builder.
In the next screen, click on your Builder profile (If you are a Contractor, you would click on Contractor)
Click on the Members tab.
Click on the [Invitation] button.
A new dialog box will appear.
- Fill in the name and email address of the invitee.
- Enter a small message to the invitee.
- Click on the green [Send Invitation] button to send.
You will be taken back to your main Builder profile.
To check if the email sent click on the Members tab again.
You should be able to see your request waiting under ‘Current Requests’
The invitee will see a task flash in their top task pane.
- See ‘How to Manage Tasks’
The invitee can go into their Members tab on their profile and accept the request.