For Workers, Contractors & Builders
This section is for Mask (RPE) compliance if applicable to your trade and activities.
The following steps are for all workers, Contractors, and Builders as Fit Test information is added to your worker profile, not your company profile.
Once you have logged into the platform, click on your user account at the top right-hand side of the screen to reveal the drop-down menu.
Click on ‘My Profile’
On your profile page, under the ‘Profile’ tab there are several sub-tabs.
Click on the ‘Mask’ tab.
Under the mask tab, you will see the following requested for information:
- Mask type – drop-down list of a range of mask types and brands.
- Please note if your mask is not listed here, please contact us at [email protected] to add it to the list.
- Mask ID – If your work has an internal numbering system for your mask or if your mask has a unique identifying serial number, please place that into this section.
- Supply date: When mask was supplied or purchased.
- Fit test date: Date when you had fit testing done for that mask and passed.
- Retest date: note when you should have the fit testing occur again to remain compliant.
- Service provider: The company who provided the Fit test service
- Please note if your Service provider is not listed here, please contact us at [email protected] to add it to the list.
- There is a place for any relevant comments or notes.
For this example – the mask in use is Sandstrm SR100 Half Face Respirator – P3
Ensure you are on the ‘Mask Details’ tab first.
Once you have filled out the ‘Mask Details’ tab, click on the ‘Mask Attachments’ tab.
Click on the [Choose Files] button and upload the Fit Test Certificate to the platform, this can be done by searching the file on your local drive or drag and dropping the file onto the [Choose File] button.
Once the attachment has been uploaded, click the green [Save] button.
You will be back to the ‘Users Profile’ page.
To view your Fit Test certificate, Click on your profile.
Click on the ‘Masks’ sub-tab.
Then click on the ‘Mask Attachment’ tab.
Click on the blue down-arrow to view the drop down menu, and click on ‘View’.
The attachment will open in a new window.