As a Builder, Contractor, or Worker (User)

Adding a Trade to your User profile automatically adds the activities that you may carry out on a day-to-day basis. These will automatically come up as a selection when you log an activity. Adding a Trade to your profile are the same steps for Builders, Contractors, and Workers as it is done on your User profile not Company.


Adding a Trade to your USER profile is easy following the below steps.



Once you log into your profile, Click on your Name up the top right hand corner of the screen and select ‘MY PROFILE’ from the drop-down.


This will open your User Profile.


Take note of the Tabs in your Profile. 

Details, Trades, Compliance, Notifications & Reports, Masks, and Health Monitoring are all Sub-Tabs of the ‘Profile’ Tab.

Click on the ‘TRADES’ Tab. 

Click on the drop-down arrow under ‘Add Trade’ and to the right of ‘Select to add’.

Here you can choose your Trade.

Scroll through the list of Trades and select the relevent one when you locate it on the list.


Once selected, it will automatically move below to your Trade section.


If you make an error adding the incorrect Trade, simply click on the [Delete] button beside the selected Trade. 


Click the green [Save] button to save your Trade.


You will then be taken back to your main Profile Page.